On Being Sick

It is being ill, even so much as to be infirm and unable to function well. It could be your body, or your mind.


What is going on with you?

What are you doing to improve your condition?

Do you have help?


Define what is wrong. Get all the information about your ailment of mind, body or both.

Learn what to do to help yourself. Study your own body and habits, write down notes. Are there things you can do yourself to improve things?

Get a professional doctor, therapist, advisor. Don’t rely on a friend or relative, they may actually be too distracted or unqualified.

Don’t give up hope for being better than you are now.

Do you see someone else who is sick? If so, are you able to step up and help them get through it? If they need help, will you at least get them to someone who can help them?

Humans for humans. Because our cats and dogs can’t make phone calls or send emails, or use the internet for us. 🙂